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1 PM Worship Service
7 pm Bible Study
Community Updates
Coming Soon!
Started on August 7th, 2016, we will expanding our ministry to radio at KLAY 1180 AM every Sunday
(10:00 am to 10:30 am). We took a brief pause and we intend to return soon. We ask that you join in as we spread the gospel. Partner with us to keep this ministry spreading the gospel. Please sow a seed to further the gospel.
In The Womb of Prayer
Join Pastor Melinda Kumi and PRHM as your host of In the Womb of Prayer. Check our PRHM Facebook page for live videos, updates and etc. We are in prayer weekly for the nation as we all face challenging days dealing with COVID 19. This is an awakening for the world. Let us stay in a holy and prayerful place. The bible instructs us that "Men should always pray". Let us pray without ceasing in this evil day.
PRHM KLAY 1180 AM Radio Broadcast
We are excited to announce that God has opened a platform to impact our region through radio broadcast. We pray that our listening audience will be refreshed by the word of God and prayer. We want to expand our global impact by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
We started on August 7, 2016 with our new radio show KLAY 1180 AM every Sunday (10:00 am to 10:30 am). We took a brief pause on our radio broadcast. We look forward to returning soon. If you would like to support/sponsor this ministry through sowing. You can do that by going to our home page and click the "Donate" link. We thank you in advance for helping us further the Kingdom agenda.
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